Sirius & Lime© is my healing modality. I have been using it on myself successfully to avert spinal surgery.
However the story of it goes way back to nearly 20 years ago, during my Metatronic Healing training. The attunement to the Sirian energy from Pippa Merrivale, felt like being shot straight home on a fireman's pole! Ironically the 'pole' was straight through my spine from the top of my neck, head bent forward in humble respect. Lime was another attunement and I realised that the combination of both energies interwoven could amplify, illuminate if you will, renewal and regeneration at a cellular level (which is where one's 'story' is released). This I have always believed would be good for the skin, and its what I channel during a facial on the Original Light Table.
But the thing that really confirmed my connection to Sirian energy was during an art meditation class way back. We were led to Sirius and the image I produced I later found out was already in existence. I had tapped into what The Dogon tribe of Africa's oral tradition said they connected to with beings from Sirius B (the Dog Star, which we have only 'recently' found with new telescopes) and this image was carved into the inside of their cave! How I discovered this is a longer story which you'll have to read in my book but suffice it to say I blew my mind!
However the story of it goes way back to nearly 20 years ago, during my Metatronic Healing training. The attunement to the Sirian energy from Pippa Merrivale, felt like being shot straight home on a fireman's pole! Ironically the 'pole' was straight through my spine from the top of my neck, head bent forward in humble respect. Lime was another attunement and I realised that the combination of both energies interwoven could amplify, illuminate if you will, renewal and regeneration at a cellular level (which is where one's 'story' is released). This I have always believed would be good for the skin, and its what I channel during a facial on the Original Light Table.
But the thing that really confirmed my connection to Sirian energy was during an art meditation class way back. We were led to Sirius and the image I produced I later found out was already in existence. I had tapped into what The Dogon tribe of Africa's oral tradition said they connected to with beings from Sirius B (the Dog Star, which we have only 'recently' found with new telescopes) and this image was carved into the inside of their cave! How I discovered this is a longer story which you'll have to read in my book but suffice it to say I blew my mind!
These days, I weave these energies through my body daily. There is a pattern to it. The Sirian energy cleanses from above, illuminates, energises and dispels. The Lime grows from below, renewal, regeneration, a fresh start to a new understanding.
I believe the interactions; resonance, between Earth's chrystaline grid and Sirian vibrational codes (that I like to call Starcodes) can activate dormant Sirian DNA combined with the Lime. This is hard to prove but 'talking' to my stem cells in my apparently arthritic facet joint has certainly helped me! And using Sirius & Lime to reallign my displaced vertabra seems to be working as my mobility has increased. I also use this image below to visualise my spinal stenosis opening. (Again, there is a long story about this image!) But as I did it during a galactic meditation, I consider it to be a Starcode.
I believe the interactions; resonance, between Earth's chrystaline grid and Sirian vibrational codes (that I like to call Starcodes) can activate dormant Sirian DNA combined with the Lime. This is hard to prove but 'talking' to my stem cells in my apparently arthritic facet joint has certainly helped me! And using Sirius & Lime to reallign my displaced vertabra seems to be working as my mobility has increased. I also use this image below to visualise my spinal stenosis opening. (Again, there is a long story about this image!) But as I did it during a galactic meditation, I consider it to be a Starcode.
So how can I help you?
I create a Harmonic Resonance 'Chamber' that you can be placed in, either in person ontop of the Original Light Table, or online through visualisation.
I then create a process of Auric Infusion of Starcodes. This is bespoke and very much empowered by you. Think of how quartz chrystals can be filled with intention.. so can you!
Depending on your needs an Akashic record clearing may be best first..
Clear. Illuminate. Renew.
You will now be ready to step out into the world into your Limelight.
I create a Harmonic Resonance 'Chamber' that you can be placed in, either in person ontop of the Original Light Table, or online through visualisation.
I then create a process of Auric Infusion of Starcodes. This is bespoke and very much empowered by you. Think of how quartz chrystals can be filled with intention.. so can you!
Depending on your needs an Akashic record clearing may be best first..
Clear. Illuminate. Renew.
You will now be ready to step out into the world into your Limelight.